Overcome your fear of public speaking using humour in 3 easy steps

Do you want to be:

  • A public speaker, an after dinner speaker or aspiring comedian who wants to captivate your audience?

  • A Coach that needs to motivate their team?

  • Ambitious Sales Executive that needs to land that deal?

  • MC at weddings and always looking for the perfect toast?

  • Social Influencer that needs to keep content new and fresh?

Or, do you just have a natural talent for being funny, but not sure where to start in writing your own jokes?


Barry Hilton is an award-winning comedian who has been making people around the world laugh for four decades. He's a professional stand-up comedian who also works as a corporate trainer and entertainer and as a comedic actor in movies and television adverts.

Barry Hilton


But why do I need to be funny, Bazza?

Humour relieves tension, a good joke creates a bond, telling your story from a personal experience is always interesting, but when you add humour, it energises people and keeps them engaged.

Humour can provide emotional relief, people can identify with your emotions, and experiences. Making it funny, even though it might be serious, helps remember your message.

Humour leaves the audience with a good impression. Have you noticed you always remember the funny person?

Humour has so many advantages:

• Great for your health

• Reduces stress

• Helps you relax

• Eases conflict situations

• Improves sleep and boosts immunity

• Builds confidence

• Improves your memory

What's included in this course?

In 9 short videos, this course shows you that anybody can tell a joke, deliver a joke and most importantly -

write your own jokes!

A skill learned is a skill for life!

  • Everybody enjoys and benefits from laughter. This course shows you how to inject humour into your everyday social and professional interactions.

  • I share four decades of comedy experience in a simple, easy-to-follow format. You will discover how easy it is to make your own simple, topical, funny jokes that you can use anywhere.

  • In less than an hour, start using humour to get your message across. Be impactful, be heard, stand out and make a point.

It gets even better my cousins!

To help you become your own ultimate joke master, I've included:

BONUS: FREE Downloadable Joke Maker Template

Download my easy to use editable joke template to get your creative juices flowing and creating your own amazing jokes.

Hear what our other funny cousins have to say

Don't just take my word for it

Joshua Rhoode

"The Let's Talk Funny class was a really great experience, at first you start to think to yourself, "can I really do this?" Barry has a great way of taking you on a journey to where you need to be. On a professional level, it has sparked some whit and creative tools for me. Definitely a must for anyone looking to improve themselves and their careers"

Reece Govender

"There can be a lot of complexity in telling a joke, but after the Talk Funny course, the whole process seems much more simple to me. I find myself thinking of jokes throughout the day now, subconsciously improving my delivery. The great thing about it is that I feel I can apply this in both social and professional contexts. I never thought of joke writing as a structured process, so it always seemed a bit intimidating. After the course, and using the template provided, I feel that I can come up with far more jokes than I could before. Definitely recommend to those looking to add a bit of humour to everything"

Craig Banks

"I've always considered myself a somewhat funny guy in certain situations but I lacked confidence and knowledge of the anatomy and psychology of a good joke.

Barry's Talk Funny course has helped me refine my natural talent to the point that I can easily identify the funny in any situation and build a quality and memorable joke anywhere and anytime... And Barry's course has even cured my wife's constant eye rolling. Turn funny into hilarious with a little help from your favourite cousin!"

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